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High School:

Centers for Disease Control:

Special Needs Exemption Request (note that GRAL prefers that the head coach fills out this form)

Gender Change Request

Relay Exemption Request

GRAL Swimmer/Employee Exemption Request

For a list of approved exemptions, sign in to the Board page.

USA Racing Start (Diving) Certification Guidelines and USA Checklist

GRAL-specific Checklist for Racing Starts (including boxes for Side Starts and Block Starts)

GRAL Rule Clarifications for Coaches – 2017

Meet Entry Change Form for Coach Changes at Meet

Information on building relays in the regular season (not applicable for Champs)

The Greater Richmond Aquatic League (GRAL) is an organization of swimmers, coaches, and parents whose aim is to promote and participate in the sport of summer swimming.  GRAL provides an opportunity for young people to compete against others of similar ability in an atmosphere of fair play, good sportsmanship, and safety.

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